Stirlitz Media Podcaster automatically extracts parts of the logged audio, combines it with external audio files, adds html/xml scripts and uploads it to the web, iTunes ready if you want.
SMP can use all the start and end times registered in Stirlitz Media Logger (link), including from the play-out system as-run log: start and end times of jingles, commercials, songs etc; from the console, events such as mike-open, mike-close or any other console action; and start/end times of jingles, commercials, songs using Stirlitz Media Inspector (link).
- Podcast the live entries of your morning show only, without the music and commercials, starting with a commercial and ending with a special promo.
Procedure: We know when the morning show starts and ends, for example Monday through Friday, 6am through 9am. So, when the show finishes, the Podcaster only selects those parts of the log of the last three hours where the studio-mike was open, plus a few seconds before opening and after closing. It takes a special bumper-file and places that in-between, applying cross-fades. SMP places the advertisement in front and the promo in the end, selects the html/xml files and uploads it.
Fully automated, every day, just minutes after broadcast end, your morning show is available on your website.
- Podcast your traffic reports and make them available through a premium phone number.
Procedure: We don’t know exactly when these reports will air. So at a (for example) 2 minute interval, SMP will search for jingle ‶traffic start”. When it doesn’t find it, it will search again in 2 minutes. When it does find it, it places a ‶Mark-in” at start-time of that jingle. Then it starts searching for jingle traffic-end (or jingle commercials-start, or start of first commercial category depending on your clock), If it doesn’t find it, because traffic did not end yet, it will try again in one minute. When it does find it, SMP will place ‶Mark-out” there, export the audio, place a commercial in front and a promo in the end (using crossfades) and codes and will upload it to the server. Minutes after your traffic news aired, it is available on a premium number, earning you revenues without you having to do anything.
The possibilities are endless. Make a separate podcast of the ‶funny bit” quarter past seven. Podcast your news, columns, chart show… anything. Create a script once, and SMP will do the job, untill you tell it to stop.